Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Wannnnnnaaa go shopppping??? (FOR CHEAP!!!)

So every time I try to get ready, whether in the morning for school, to go to court, to go to work, or to go out at night, I get anxiety staring at my closet.

Instead of doing my homework, I decided to clean out my closet and "throw out" aka "throw on my floor" the items I don't wear.

Below are picture of everything in my "floor pile."  Honestly, some of this stuff I bought recently (as in over the summer or last winter) and have either never worn or wore maybe a few times.  ---> I know BAD!!

If you want any of it, email me at, and we can talk :)

Here we gooooooo 

I got it summer of '11 because I was planning on wearing it to my grad party... but clearly changed my mind. It's been sitting in my closet ever since!
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This is a sweater from ARITZIA. I probably wore this a handful of times. I get really frustrated when I have to keep fixing my clothes, and it was so "oversized" that it kept falling off.  Some people like that, and if you're one of them, please take this from me :) Oh yeah, I got this last winter.
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This is a sweater from URBAN OUTFITTERS. I got this when I was a senior in college (so about a year and a half ago...depressing), because I remember wearing it to student teach. 
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This is from FOREVER 21. My mom bought this for me last year for something.  I didn't like it, so I just put it on a hanger and left it in my closet...until now :)
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This is from URBAN OUTFITTERS. I also bought this about a year and a half ago when I was a senior in college. This, I actually wore a decent amount, but I'm over it.  It's comfortable though!

This is literally got maybe 2 months ago tops from  I NEVER WORE IT! I was too lazy to deal with the shipping and stuff to send it back (I know...BAD AGAIN!).  I just tried searching the site to find it for you, but I got couldn't.  Instead, I looked at all of the on sale stuff, AND IT'S AMAZING. GO NOW!!! I LIKE THE ON SALE STUFF BETTER THAN THE NORMAL STUFF RIGHT NOW...IT'S AMAZING...AND I NEED TO GO INTO THE BACKYARD AND SHAKE THE MONEY TREE BECAUSE I NEEEEEEEEED (WANT) ALL OF THIS STUFF :) 
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This is from URBAN OUTFITTERS.  I got this around fall of 2010.  It's been worn about a handful of times. There's a few of the rhinestone things missing at the top.  If you want this, I'll just give it to you. First person to email me they want it (with your addresss) I'll send it FOOOO FREE 99. 
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This is from ZARA. I got it around last February.  This has been worn ONCE. I don't like it anymore because I put it in the washer and drier, and of course, I shrank it. It's falls weird on me now.  ;)
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This is from ILLUSIONS. Illusions is a boutique in Buffalo Grove, Illinois.  I got this probably two years ago and have worn it a decent amount. Again, I'm over it.  If you want it, it's yours. 
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This is from FOREVER 21. I got it a couple summers ago, wore it once, didn't like it anymore and threw it in my closet. It's pretty loose. 
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I completely forgot where I got this. All I remember is that I wore it senior year of college, and my friend Ashley and I would argue about who got to wear it what night :)
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This is from ILLUSIONS again.  This is actually a JOES shirt.  I wore it a couple times about a year ago. It's pretty loose. There's absolutely nothing wrong with it, again, I'm weird, and was just over it :)
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This is from ARITZIA. I wore this once, and I remember it was with white shorts last summer. 
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This is from ILLUSIONS. Worn a couple of times. It's baggy and made my boobs look weird so I didn't like it anymore.
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So this is the stuff that I thought would be worth putting up here. If you like it cool, if you don't, that's cool too.  None of these pictures are instagramed or anything..they just are "as is". If you like something, don't hesitate to email me. I'm not trying to rip you off or anything; I really just want to get rid of this stuff.  Whatever I don't sell, I'm just planning on giving away! 

Have fun and happy hump day :)