Wednesday, May 1, 2013

FOR GUYS: Guest Blogger #2 - Amit Harris "The Everyday Hero"

5 Ways for the Everyday Hero to Make a Statement

                  You go hard. You get out of bed well before you deserve to, spend your day doing things others can’t even dream of, and end it the same way you started: strong. You are a hero and you, Mr. Hero, need clothes to look the part. Why? Because when you look good, you feel good too. So why not look your best? Here are some tips to help you get there, all brainstormed, edited, and laid out for you to read. Do yourself a solid take this advice straight to the mall.

1.     Blink on it
a.     Get in touch with your subconscious. If something catches your eye, go for it. If you’re not 100% sure about something, don’t even take it off the rack. This will help you save time by being more decisive.
2.     Decide how much an item is worth before looking at the price tag
a.     Once something catches your eye, challenge yourself to determine how much you are willing to pay without looking at the tag. This will help you quickly decide yes or no on items, keep you within your budget, and help you feel good about finding the best clothes at the right value.
3.     Go buy new clothes with a buddy
a.     Find someone chill who appreciates the value of investing time and money to look good. This guy isn’t going to pick out clothes for you, (though he might make a friendly veto,) your wingman is there for you to see how likeminded individuals make style decisions.
4.     Research online before going to the store
a.     One of the biggest myths of all time is the idea that you absolutely must know what items you are shopping for. While it can be helpful, it’s not always true. A better approach is deciding what stores you’re willing to check out and visit their websites first. This will give you an idea of what they offer and where the deals are. You can spend more time trying things on and less time picking them out.
5.      Stick with what works
a.     When you hit your stride, run with it. If blue is your color, no need to hit up the entire visible light spectrum. If Guess makes your favorite denim, buy another pair from them. If your size is 31, don’t settle on 32- that’s whack. Add one new style at a time to your repertoire until you have a sizeable catalog.

                  Going hard, ballin out, and saving the world takes some time, a little bit of cash, and your own personal style. Luckily we have an answer for all three. Live by these style guidelines for heroes and you will be like a knight in shining armor. Except don’t buy shining armor, you can get the princess without it.

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