Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Coconut Oil and Birch Box

So the other day I saw this tutorial on Pinterest about how to put coconut oil in your hair.  I thought it looked pretty cool, went out, got the same or similar coconut oil, and followed the directions of the tutorial (or so I thought).  Long story short... I ended up having to go to the salon at like 7 pm (when this happened around 2 pm) to have my head scrubbed with multiple products in order to fix whatever I did.  Therefore, coming from someone who's obsessed with trying new things to put in hair to make it look shiny or whatever, I would suggest to not try this unless you really know what you're doing!!!!!!!!!!! When I got to the salon, my guy started hysterically laughing asking if I got this idea from was a pretty interesting situation to say the least.


I'm not a big make up person, and I really don't know a lot about it, but i DO I am currently obsessed with this website called Birchbox.  It has literally everything from facial stuff to brushes to random hair products (I ignore if I see anything with coconut oil) to nail polish, etc.  The cool part about this website is that it promotes itself by having a "Birch Box."  What you do is register with the website, wait to get accepted, and then if you pay $10.00 a month, you can receive a sample package of  products in the mail.  It's a good way of testing what they have.  These are some of them:




When I was browsing, this is some of the stuff I saw that looked appealing to me 
**I'm not showing any hair stuff considering I'm not trying anything that I don't already know is reliable!! (which I showed here)

**You could also read their blog here**

**or watch How-To Tutorials here**

**oooor go backstage at NYFW here**

Happy Wednesday!

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