Tuesday, April 2, 2013

go green and google glass

It's about time to store the North Face puffy jackets away and bring out something more springy.  This spring, something I call "the green jacket" will be a popular pick.  Others may call this "cargo" or "safari" but simply put, it's just a plain green jacket that makes every outfit look a bit more trendy. I've seen these quite a bit recently and have yet to see anyone make it look bad. I know everyone has their own style, has their own preference of stores they shop at, and may not care about fashion, spring trends, or clothes at all, but if you are going to invest your money in one thing this spring, this should be it. This is such a staple that whether you like to dress really chic, punk, boho, preppy, or whatever, you'll still look like yourself.  Even if you're gothic, green can be kind of a dark color so it will fit with you too!

Here are some:

This is from Shopbop, but I try to limit the amount of clothing I put on here from there since it's pretty expensive.  That being said, I really like this jacket above and wanted to show you :)

Guys get really weird when they see "Nasty Gal" up on my computer.  If you don't know what Nasty Gal is, don't worry, it's not some porn site, it's just a cool clothing store....and it's a little cheaper, so click it!

**I tried to find a cheaper jacket at Forever 21, but I didn't like any of them and didn't want to show you if I thought they were ugly....but I found this and think it's cool how she's wearing it**

On a whole other note..........you need to see this

both images from google.com

This is google glass.  Apparently, there were people selected to try these out.  I have no idea how to explain this besides to tell you to click here and take a second to learn about it. I have no idea if I'm the only one out of the loop and just found out about this yesterday, but this is just fascinating.  I feel like I'm going to wake up tomorrow, and my best friend is going to be Zenon, and I'm going to be living on a floating devise somewhere by Pluto wearing a one piece space suit.

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