Thursday, May 23, 2013

F*ck it lets drink..and make tank tops

I'm more of a tank top person than a t-shirt person. Therefore, whenever I somehow acquire a t-shirt that I hate, instead of throwing it out or giving it away, I just turn it into a tank top.  This happened a lot in college with tailgating shirts and stuff like that.  My friend, Allie, saw a shirt on that said, "Fuck It Lets Drink," and she told me I needed to purchase it.  Naturally, I did.  When it arrived (literally three weeks later eek), I tried it on and thought it was odd fitting, so I finally found the time to turn it into a tank top.  If you follow these steps, you'll be able to do this to any shirt as well :)


Lay out the shirt (really should be on a hard surface, but I was too lazy to get off the couch)


Find a thicker-strapped tank top to lay on top of your t-shirt. I have a ton that I have previously cut, so that's what I used, but any normal tank top will work.


 Take a marker or pen and outline the sleeves of the tank top on to the t-shirt. Use your discretion to determine how long you want the side openings to be. Obviously, the farther down the side of the t-shirt you draw the line, the longer the hole will be (which you may or may not like)


 Do the same thing on the other side, and then remove the tank top from the top of the t-shirt.


 Take a scissors and cut along the lines you drew. 


 Your lines will probably be a little jagged, but you can always go back and clean them up.  


Cut the other side as well (unless you want a half tank top and t-shirt). Normally, the next thing I would do after cutting the sleeves off would be to slightly cut around the neckline (you can see I did that on the blue Cubs shirt above).  However, this shirt is really thin, and since the neck wasn't thick, I didn't think I would need to mess with it.

STEP EIGHT: I have a tank top that I will actually wear :)

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