Friday, May 3, 2013

Guest Blogger #4 Stephanie Halloran "Five Steps to a Summer Ready Body"

Five Steps to a Summer Ready Body

Hi, I’m Lauren’s friend Stephanie, and I am a personal trainer at the Life Time Fitness in Burr Ridge. I’ve been in the industry for over 5 years and the biggest question I always get around this time of year is how to get that bikini ready body. Obviously, it is already May and most of us will be laying poolside in a few short weeks, but these five easy steps will help you get started.

1.Eat more

It sounds contradictory to what you would think, but you want to eat more. When you limit your caloric intake you will see initial weight-loss but very quickly it will level off and you will be left hungry and frustrated. This is because your body kicks into survival mode and thinks you are starving, causing decrease in muscle tone and increase in fat stores. Increase lean meats, veggies, fruits, nuts and seeds and try to limit grains. Consuming too many processed, refined carbohydrates causes an increase in blood sugar and consequently an increase in body fat. Carbohydrates are also quickly metabolized by the body, which makes you hungry more frequently. By increasing your protein you stay fuller longer, which results in more food but less calories.

2.Drink Water

Many people go by the guidelines of drinking a certain amount of 8oz glasses per day. What you should aim for is half of your body weight in ounces (i.e. if you weigh 150lbs you should drink 75 ounces of water). If you are not properly hydrated your metabolism cannot function properly. Not only that, but it also causes you to store what water you do have in-between your muscle and your skin, making you appear bloated and puffy. If you can’t stand regular water try adding frozen fruit, cucumbers or mint to add flavor.

3.Use Cardio to Burn Fat

Most people think exercise should be militaristic if you are going to see any results. Really, it is the exact opposite. Your cardio should be low intensity in order to tap into your body’s fat burning capabilities. In order to use fat for energy, your body needs oxygen. If you are huffing and puffing through your cardio workouts you will see minimal body fat reduction. Take it outside: go for a bike ride with your family, take a brisk walk in the park with a friend or your significant other or read your favorite book on your health club’s stair master. You should enjoy these workouts, not dread them.

4.Strength Training

If you want Michelle Obama’s arms or Gwen Stefani’s abs you have to work for them. Muscle doesn’t just create itself; so don’t be scared to pick up some dumbbells or a Pilates DVD. If you are a member at a gym that has personal trainers, ask for a free demo or complimentary session. If you tend to go towards yoga or Pilates but prefer an in person experience, Groupon always has offers for discounted packages. If you want to be firm and tight in your teeny bikini, strength training is a must.


The national recommendation is 8 hours a night. For most of the population the necessary amount can range from 6-12hrs depending on the person. Find out what you work best on and try to arrange your sleep schedule as close to 10pm-6am your can get. Sleep is important because it allows your body to recover and restore from the days stresses, which can hinder muscle growth and alter your metabolism. Shut off the TV or computer at least 2 hours before bed and try to sleep in a dark room. Your mind and body will thank you.

Pick one of these things to focus on every week for the next 5 weeks and you will quickly start noticing a difference between how you feel and how you look Happy tanning!

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